Extremely poisonous snake venom can be used as an analgesic

The venom of one of the most unique snakes in the world can be used to prepare a new line of painkillers, superior to those currently on the market, according to a new study.

The research team was discovered by Anne Baron - an expert from the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology of France. The analgesic compounds called mambalgin extracted from the venom of the African poisonous black snake are effective strong as some drugs, including trailer. Their advantage is not to cause respiratory risk as well as other side effects such as popular painkillers today.

Picture 1 of Extremely poisonous snake venom can be used as an analgesic
The venom extract of Africa's highly toxic black snake has a reduced effect
strong pain like some drugs, including trailer. (Photo: NatGeo)

Previous studies have shown that venom of certain types of snakes contains toxins capable of promoting pain by activating acid receptor ion channels (ASIC) in the nervous center and foreign nervous system. record.

Baron and colleagues discovered that when separating the amino acid chains they named mambalgin, the pain would be reduced to a minimum or even terminated through inhibition of certain ASICs within. body. The team conducted tests in mice and obtained positive results.

National Geographic quoted Ms. Baron as saying that, because of the similar mechanism of pain in humans and mice, the team believed that extract of African black snake venom would be effective in humans.

Venom of snakes and some other creatures such as spiders and scorpions have long been used in medicine. Many modern studies have focused on developing these toxins into pharmaceuticals to serve the wider market.

Science has confirmed, extracts of snake skin, cobra, vipe rattlesnake and snake have the effect of curing many diseases such as dissolving blood clots or being able to slow the growth of cancer cells. .

Zoltan Takacs, a reptile and toxin researcher who was selected by National Geographic magazine as the prominent explorer of 2010, said: 'Animal venom toxin has a high success rate in Become an important pharmaceutical product. However, to develop a new drug, you need between 10 and 15 years and lose up to $ 1 billion. '

Ms. Baron's group has now planned to include their research results in the field of medical treatment, although this development process requires many years. However, according to Ms. Baron, they are patented and are working with Theralpha to develop analgesic compounds extracted from African black venom.