Fabrication of Saturn's moon exploration aircraft

American scientists have built Aviatr aircraft to explore the planet Titan - Saturn's largest moon.

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At first glance, Aviatr aircraft are not much different from an unmanned aircraft operating in the Afghan battlefield. However, this 120kg, 715 million USD aircraft will help researchers capture 3D images of Titan star surface, always covered under dense gas from which to create geological maps. of this planet.

Picture 1 of Fabrication of Saturn's moon exploration aircraft
US $ 715 million Aviatr aircraft will be
study Titan - Saturn's largest moon

After completing the mission, it will fly through a dense cloud layer to land on Titan star sand dunes.

Scientists believe that Titan's surface is hard enough for landing aircraft, and gravity is also small, but the air layer is quite thick, meaning that vehicles are heavier than an airplane like Aviatr can land here for longer.

Picture 2 of Fabrication of Saturn's moon exploration aircraft
Aviatr will return to Earth 3D images of Titan's surface and climate

Aviatr aircraft allow the best control researchers to operate on its altitude, and set up a 3D visual library of Titan's surface and climate. Meanwhile, Titan is larger than the Earth's Moon and Mercury, with temperatures of around -178ºC.

Aviatr is lighter in weight than an airship, and will use pluton-based generators to extend the 1-day working time on Titan's moon to capture more shots for scientists.

Like all types of aircraft operating underground, Aviatr also has a "safe mode" , maintaining the aircraft's stable position on Titan's gas, ensuring that the aircraft does not get lost in the danger zone of the school If you lose contact with the earth.

Picture 3 of Fabrication of Saturn's moon exploration aircraft

Scientist Jason Barnes at Idaho University (USA) who designed the special aircraft with 30 other scientists. He claims Aviatr is not too expensive technology for NASA, because the $ 715 million price includes the cost of the Aviatr transport system to the moon Titan.

In addition, Titan's surface is very hard and the air layer is quite thick, so using an airplane to explore is most suitable, something an airship can not do.