Malaysia's Transport Minister said a Malaysian search team had discovered an airframe on French Reunion island.

The Su-22 is not a weak fighter, but some of the countries that own it do not use it well, resulting in many unfortunate failures.

If the V-shaped planes are like birds, the amount of fuel consumed will be significantly reduced.

Reliefs with images of helicopters and submarines found in ancient temples raise the question: Did the ancient Egyptians own these devices?

Archaeologists were really shocked when they discovered the symbolic characters of ancient Egypt shaped like modern aircraft.

A meteor falling into the sea in the UK at high speed made many people think it was an airplane and reported to the authorities.

Even experts have to admit that there are many things that people do not understand about flight, and that is why animals are much better than our best aircraft.

The photos just show the great skill of the photographer, and show the wonderful moments of the ocean world.

The year is coming, now is an opportunity for us to look back over the past year with 50 photos representing 50 science and technology events.

Nature and people are talented artists, when both of them combine with each other skillfully, they will create ecstatic works. Please see the series of 100 beautiful, unedited