Face the white shark

The white shark shows off its hideous, jagged teeth or bites into each other, looking like they're laughing. Below are pictures of gods in the ocean.

Picture 1 of Face the white shark

Mr. Amos Nachoum caught the moment when the white shark approached his camera and his teeth bit into each other so it looked like it was laughing.Photo: Barcroft USA.

Picture 2 of Face the white shark

The diver approached the giant shark, when he was passionately hunting for small fish.Photo: Barcroft USA.

Picture 3 of Face the white shark

Amos Nachoum recorded the rare images of the great assassin off the coast, near Mexico's Guadalupe resort.Photo: Barcroft USA.

Picture 4 of Face the white shark

Although white sharks have abrupt teeth, Nachoum insists he does not feel threatened when approaching the gods of the ocean. Photo: Barcroft USA.

Picture 5 of Face the white shark

This white shark is over 5m long.Photo: Barcroft USA.

Picture 6 of Face the white shark

"Danger is in your mind," Nachoum said.Photo: Barcroft USA.

Picture 7 of Face the white shark

Nachoum often leads National Geographic underwater expeditions and his work is published in publications around the world. The photos of this fish appeared on Telegraph yesterday.Photo: Barcroft USA.