Facebook has face recognition technology like the human eye

You can easily recognize the face of your friends, but the computer is not so sophisticated. Facebook is determined to change this.

Facebook has announced that it has developed a technology so computers can confirm whether the two faces in the two photos are the same person. Currently, this project (called DeepFace ) of Facebook has reached 97.25% accuracy, which is equivalent to 97.5% of the human eye in the standard test.

Picture 1 of Facebook has face recognition technology like the human eye

In order to accomplish this feat, DeepFace will create 3D layouts for facial details, then transform this model into a flat format with color filters to identify facial details. Facebook is currently using face data of 4.4 million people on its social network to improve on DeepFace.

MIT Technology Review said that Facebook will launch DeepFace at its IEEE (Industry Specific Standards for Technology) Conference on Computer Vision and Identification of Forms in June. Facebook hopes to receive feedback and suggestions from the developer community first.

As such, end users have not had access to DeepFace technology for at least 3 months. However, Facebook has also introduced Face Detection (which suggests Facebook friends have appeared in your photos) from the end of 2010. Currently, the facial auto-suggest feature Facebook friends have reached a relatively high level of accuracy, and the launch of DeepFace promises even more impressive results.