February 23, NASA press conference to announce discoveries outside the Solar System

Can the Earth outside a living planet resemble Earth?

The US Aeronautics Agency, NASA, plans to hold a major press conference, announcing their discoveries outside our Solar System.

According to a statement, the event will reveal important information about extrasolar planets (exoplanets) . These planets have orbits around another big star, not around the Sun like Earth and some of the Solar System planets. In addition, this release does not reveal anything more.

Picture 1 of February 23, NASA press conference to announce discoveries outside the Solar System
NASA said it would broadcast the press conference live on its official television channel and website.

Scientists discovered that many exoplanets have the same conditions as the Earth, creating opportunities for humans to build a more habitable place, in case the Earth is hit by a disaster.

NASA press conference will take place at 13 pm on February 22 in New York (1 am on February 23, Hanoi time). NASA said it would broadcast the press conference live on its official television channel and website.

Astronomers and scientists studying planets from all over the world will come to attend this press conference.

NASA also stated that during the press conference everyone in the world can completely ask questions for NASA by hastag #AskNasa. In addition, the agency held an AMA question and answer session on Reddit right after the press conference.