Video: 5 interesting facts about TRAPPIST-1

As we know, at 1am on February 23, 2017 (ie 13h on February 22, 2017), NASA had a press conference to announce exoplanets - planets outside the solar system.

Accordingly, NASA said, NASA's Spitzer infrared telescope has discovered "Solar System 2.0" with 7 Earth-like planets orbiting their parent star.

Picture 1 of Video: 5 interesting facts about TRAPPIST-1
This solar system version 2.0 is called TRAPPIST-1.

This solar system version 2.0 is called TRAPPIST-1 , a dwarf, has a lower temperature and a lot redder than our Sun, the same size is only slightly larger than Jupiter and lies far from the Left Our land is about 39-40 light years.

However there are interesting facts about TRAPPIST-1 that you don't know yet, watch the video below for more info!

  1. "Solar System 2.0" TRAPPIST-1 has 7 planets the size of Earth.
  2. Viewed from the earth, all 7 planets are around another star, or in a star remnant, or around a red dwarf.
  3. At least 6 of these 7 solar system planets TRAPPIST-1 are rocky planets.
  4. 3 of the planets contain water on the surface.
  5. European Extremely Large Telescope - European Extremely Large Telescope - can detect water.

Imagine, someday we will find out what life in one of these planets will be like?