2017 is the year of innovations: NASA first put re-usable rockets into operation, patients can start treating cancer using their own cells ...

Scientists use the results of harsh living conditions research on distant planets to sketch the true shape of alien creatures.

Recently, scientists revealed the discovery that shocked the 7 planets like Earth.

If standing on Earth-like planets in the Trappist-1 system, the sun will be pink like salmon meat, about 6 times larger than the Sun on Earth.

At the end of a very successful press conference at 14:00 on February 22, 2017 (ie 2 am on February 23, 2017 in Vietnam time), NASA was happy to announce the discovery of the

New solar system TRAPPIST-1 that NASA has discovered has 7 planets of the same size as the Earth and has enough temperature for life.

Not the closest but with up to 7 planets of the same size and volume as the Earth, Trappist-1 system is a brilliant candidate.

Below are photos of outstanding astronomical and cosmic technologies in the past week.

As we know, at 1am on February 23, 2017 (ie 13h on February 22, 2017), NASA had a press conference to announce exoplanets - planets outside the solar system.

This dwarf system is about 39 light-years away from Earth. How long does it take for NASA's Space Shuttle or New Horizons spacecraft to get there?