How long does it take to get up to 7 life-capable planets - has Trappist-1 been discovered?

This dwarf system is about 39-40 light years from Earth. How long does it take for NASA's Space Shuttle or New Horizons spacecraft to get there?

Check out the video below to get the correct answer.

Picture 1 of How long does it take to get up to 7 life-capable planets - has Trappist-1 been discovered?
Solar System version 2.0.

  1. The star system TRAPPIST-1 is about 39 light-years away from Earth, located in the constellation Aquarius.
  2. It will take about 1.5 million years for NASA's shuttle to get there, provided that the ship must reach a speed of 28,163km / h (equivalent to 17,500 miles per hour).
  3. The New Horizons spacecraft will need up to 800,000 years at a speed of 51,516 km / h (approximately 32,010 miles per hour) to reach the Trappist-1.
  4. Breakthrough Starshot's solar sail spacecraft fleet can reach Trappist-1 faster, in about 200 years at 20% speed of light (about 215 million km / h).
  5. And with the speed of light, it only takes 39 years to travel from Earth to the Trappist-1 (about 1,080 million km / h).