NASA press conference: We have a perfect 2 Solar System for extraterrestrial life

According to experts, they have discovered 7 planets like Earth, at least 3 have oceans!

According to official information, NASA's latest press conference is held at 1am on February 23, 2017 (ie 13h on February 22, 2017), in order to announce an important finding "beyond out of the solar system ".

These are information about exoplanets - the outer sphere of the solar system.

Picture 1 of NASA press conference: We have a perfect 2 Solar System for extraterrestrial life

Recently, we found Proxima Centauri b (Proxima b) - the planet known as the 2nd Earth. Proxima b once hoped to become a human base but unfortunately, the ability to nurture life This planet has almost been rejected due to the harsh environment.

Picture 2 of NASA press conference: We have a perfect 2 Solar System for extraterrestrial life
Proxima's second ability, Earth, can nourish life is almost extinguished.(artwork)

And now, NASA is about to announce a discovery that looks even more appealing.

Picture 3 of NASA press conference: We have a perfect 2 Solar System for extraterrestrial life

We know that, thanks to the Spitzer telescope, we continue to set a new record in finding possible environments for life to exist.

The Spitzer Space Telescope was launched in 2003, equipped with infrared technology to observe planets a few light years away.

After 4,930 days of operation, Spitzer has traveled a distance of 145 million miles. And in just a few minutes, we will know what Spitzer saw.

Currently, HD 219134b is exoplanet discovered by Spitzer with the closest distance to Earth - about 21 light years. However, according to experts, the planet cannot sustain life, because it is too close to its host star.

Picture 4 of NASA press conference: We have a perfect 2 Solar System for extraterrestrial life

In 1988, the first exoplanet was discovered, but it was not officially confirmed in 1992. Since then, telescopes have helped us find a total of more than 3,500 planets.

Content of the press conference:

The first statement at the press conference, Thomas Zurbuchen - NASA's Scientific Mission Manager, said NASA's Spitzer infrared telescope had discovered "Solar System 2.0" with 7 planets of size. Earth varieties revolve around their parent star.

All 7 exoplanets have liquid - the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold - the most important factor for life and suitable climatic conditions.

Picture 5 of NASA press conference: We have a perfect 2 Solar System for extraterrestrial life
The new Solar System version 2.0 is called TRAPPIST-1.

This solar system version 2 is called TRAPPIST-1 , a dwarf, has a lower temperature and a lot redder than our Sun, the same size is only slightly larger than Jupiter and lies farther from the Left Our land is about 40 light-years away.

Thomas Zurbuchen, co-manager of NASA's Science Mission team, said: "This finding shows that finding another Earth is only a matter of time." "You can imagine how many planets out there, with ecosystems that fully support life are still waiting for people to discover."

Picture 6 of NASA press conference: We have a perfect 2 Solar System for extraterrestrial life

Sean Cary, manager of the Spitzer Science Center, explained: They can determine the distance between these seven planets with Trappist-1, by observing the time they completed their orbit.

Picture 7 of NASA press conference: We have a perfect 2 Solar System for extraterrestrial life
Artwork on the surface of one of the new planets provided by NASA.

7 planets of almost the same size as Earth. When asked about the names of these planets, Michael Gillon, a humorous Liege University astronomer, said the group is considering naming them after . a Belgian beer name. However, he also hopes that it is not an official name.

Of the seven planets discovered, the three most feasible planets are:

  1. Trappist-1E has the same size and temperature as Earth.

Picture 8 of NASA press conference: We have a perfect 2 Solar System for extraterrestrial life

  1. Trappist-1F may very well have a large ocean, the size is also very close to the Earth.The shooting time for the Trappist-1 star in the middle is 9 days, the amount of light it receives will be similar to the amount that our Mars receives from the Sun.

Picture 9 of NASA press conference: We have a perfect 2 Solar System for extraterrestrial life

  1. Trappist-1G is the largest Trappist-1 star planet, about 30% larger than the Earth, it also receives enough light to make a difference.

Picture 10 of NASA press conference: We have a perfect 2 Solar System for extraterrestrial life

Sara Seager said this is a study that needs "successive generations to come". "The truth is we are very close to the prospect of finding a new world to nurture life."