Star system

Recently, scientists revealed the discovery that shocked the 7 planets like Earth.

If standing on Earth-like planets in the Trappist-1 system, the sun will be pink like salmon meat, about 6 times larger than the Sun on Earth.

At the end of a very successful press conference at 14:00 on February 22, 2017 (ie 2 am on February 23, 2017 in Vietnam time), NASA was happy to announce the discovery of the

New solar system TRAPPIST-1 that NASA has discovered has 7 planets of the same size as the Earth and has enough temperature for life.

Not the closest but with up to 7 planets of the same size and volume as the Earth, Trappist-1 system is a brilliant candidate.

As we know, at 1am on February 23, 2017 (ie 13h on February 22, 2017), NASA had a press conference to announce exoplanets - planets outside the solar system.

This dwarf system is about 39 light-years away from Earth. How long does it take for NASA's Space Shuttle or New Horizons spacecraft to get there?