Find and back up all digital photos using 'Photos Forever'

Is your digital photo collection up to thousands of sheets and saved in many theme folders located in many places on your hard drive? Finding all of these photos to back up is definitely not easy!

Picture 1 of Find and back up all digital photos using 'Photos Forever' The tool called 'Photos Forever' will help you quickly find the full number of digital photos you have on your device and help you store them quickly.

The main function of Photos Forever (PF) is to support backing up CDs and DVDs of all types of digital images in the computer, but the most quintessential feature of this tool is not to support backing up photos, but It is in the ability to search for all the digital images in the computer . no matter how hidden it is.

Using PF is also quite simple. The first thing you should choose is the file type to be backed up by clicking the 'File Types .' button. PF supports search and backup by default of nearly 30 most popular digital image formats and users can add new formats, or delete certain file types in the list of supported file types. of PF.

After you've selected the file type, select 'All Photos' and click Next to PF to hunt and list all the digital photos available in your computer according to the brief view (Thumbnail). The PF is able to search for digital images of all the storage devices already attached to the computer, ie, searching through the hard drive, PF will also list the digital images included in the CD, USB memory stick or network hard disk . You should check the 'Custom Folder', then click the 'Edit' button to 'Add' all the storage devices that the digital image in which you need PF to search.

You can also 'Sort' all types of images found by size, date, or file name. It is interesting to see that PF helps you find out the types of images that have been stored for so long that you also forget their existence.

After selecting or unchecking the found images, continue to click 'Next' to switch to the preparation interface to burn images to CD or DVD. In this interface, you will select the writing speed in the 'Speed' box; If you want to retain the old name of the digital photo, do not check the 'Reoder & Rename photos .' box. After you have made your selection, put the blank disc in the tray and click Next to back up the digital photo. If the number of digital photos exceeds 1 CD, DVD, the PF will issue a warning so that you can continue to insert a blank disc into the tray to continue recording.

In the next use, instead of selecting 'All Photos' you just need to select 'News Photos' as PF will automatically find all the digital photos that the PF has not updated at the previous use, and you just need to backup Repeat this new number of photos.

Acoustica Company is selling the latest Photos Forever version for $ 19.95. Users can go here to download a free version with a capacity of about 2 MB.