Find deadly E. coli bacteria on bean sprouts

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) yesterday announced the first time they had found the deadly strain of E. coli on bean sprouts. A few days earlier, this kind of sprouts still gave a negative test result.

" As far as we know, this bean comes from a recently suspected farm in the Bienenbuettel, Lower Saxony state ," said Johannes Remmel, minister of consumer protection.

The sprouts were found in an open bag, thrown in a household garbage bin, living near the city of Bonn. Two family members ate bean sprouts and E.coli infection in the middle of May.

" This finding confirms our warning that we should not eat bean sprouts. There are more and more grounds to confirm that this kind of sprouts is the culprit for E.coli dispersal in Europe ," said Remmel. to speak.

Picture 1 of Find deadly E. coli bacteria on bean sprouts
A warning consumers should not eat bean sprouts living in a supermarket in Berlin,
Germany yesterday (June 10) - (Photo: xinhua).

According to xinhua, before that, President Robert Koch also stressed that bean sprouts are a source of this dangerous epidemic, and that " people who eat bean sprouts are at risk of bloody diarrhea and signs of E.coli infection. another 9 times higher than people who don't eat ". However, at the time of this conclusion, no test samples were found to show E.coli.

Tests have shown that Germany has mistakenly identified the source of the infection twice before.

Currently, Robert Koch Institute has also removed the warning for cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce.