Find places to produce stars in the universe

Astronomers have just published a shocking information when it discovered how the largest cosmic elliptical galaxies continue to produce stars even though the period of 'peak' of this period has drifted. by.

The place that controls the birth of stars in the universe

Accordingly, with the Hubble Space Telescope , astronomers (NASA) have discovered where to produce and control the birth of a new star. They are a self-replicating process consisting of black holes, nozzles and new stars.

Picture 1 of Find places to produce stars in the universe

The above procedure is described in detail as follows : First, high-energy nozzles sprayed from the black hole heat up the air ring around this place. Spraying will affect the temperature and speed that falls into the galaxy of gas dust.

'If confusing, you can take a storm as an example. When the nozzle injects gas from the inside to the outside of the galaxy, a portion of the gas will reduce the temperature, condense into a cold mass and fall back into the galaxy center, similar to rain. "

Picture 2 of Find places to produce stars in the universe

"Rain particles" will quickly cool down and become molecular gas clouds. When combined, these "clouds" will form stars ", Megan Donahue - head of research most - said.

Thus, these " raindrops " will greatly depend on the nozzles because they appear around the edges of the giant bubbles pumped up or in the fibers and tassels wrapped around the nozzle. According to Grant Tremblay, the second head of research, said the factors will create a "swirling pool of stellar gases around the central black hole."

Picture 3 of Find places to produce stars in the universe

If the heat reduction process is too strong, the scientists will make the nozzles work more and more, thereby generating more heat.

Because the " pool" of gas around the black hole provides fuel for the nozzle to operate, if the nozzle has too much heat, the fuel supply also decreases and they weaken.

Picture 4 of Find places to produce stars in the universe

With the new discovery, scientists have solved the long-standing question, which is: 'Why do galaxies flooded with air do not turn all this gas into stars but only a few? part? 'And the main answer is :' Adjusting that 'big or small' star birth depends heavily on the heating and cooling process. '