Find the 'highway' straight into the space-time tear

The hypothetical structure mentioned by Einstein in 1915 has been confirmed in a space-time tear 10,000 light years away from us.

According to Live Science, new X-ray observations made with NASA's NuSTAR and NICER space telescopes have identified a "plunge zone" where material is caught by the deadly gravity of space tears - Time has a strong impact

Picture 1 of Find the 'highway' straight into the space-time tear
A black hole is a type of space-time tear that possesses a "plunging zone" - (Photo: AI).

In 1915, scientist Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity predicted that once matter gets close enough to a black hole, the enormous gravitational force of the space-time tear will force it to abandon its circular orbit and plunge straight into it. there.

That's the "plunge zone".

To determine such an actual structure, a team of scientists from the Department of Physics of Oxford University (UK) turned to a black hole named MAXI J1820+070 , belonging to a binary system about 10,000 years from Earth. light.

Black holes represent the most common form of space-time tearing in the universe.

Researchers have detected X-rays emitted from the scorched material of the accretion disk around this black hole.

Feeding their X-ray data into mathematical models, they found that the data only matched if the models included light emitted from matter in the plunge zone, thus confirming the existence of This region.

The plunge zone can be understood as where the river of matter around the black hole suddenly meets a waterfall, plunging suddenly. Or it's a highway where matter finds its way into the black hole's belly faster and more violently.

By collecting and studying more light from this cosmic cascade, researchers say they will gain unprecedented insights into the extreme conditions surrounding black holes.

These plunge regions, located just outside the black hole's event horizon, are "points of no return" where gravity becomes so strong that not even light can escape.