Finding out the real reason makes us afraid of dentists

The Japanese scientists have given an explanation for how many people feel scared when they hear the sound of drilling in their mouths .

Recently, Japanese scientists have successfully explained the mystery of many people's fears when they hear the "crackling" tooth drilling in their mouths or the tinkling sound of medical equipment.

Research author - Hiroyuki Karibe of Nippon Medical University in Tokyo said: "As a dentist, I realize that many patients (from big to small) all feel anxious and scared before the echoing teeth. In their mouths, or even the sound of dental instruments hitting each other, it seems, every time they hear that sound, their brains will produce a lot of obvious reactions, making them feel uncomfortable, stress".

Picture 1 of Finding out the real reason makes us afraid of dentists

Working with colleagues who are psychiatrists, Hiroyuki Karibe conducted a survey with 21 women and 13 men in the age of 19 - 49. The survey raised 20 questions such as "Do you feel "When you hear the sound of a dental drill, how about" pissing "in your mouth?"

Volunteers will answer on a scale of 1-5: "No fear at all" (1) until "Afraid very much" (5). Karibe divided volunteers into high and low fear groups according to their scores on the survey. Later, he scanned the participants' brains while they listened to a series of sounds, including the dental drills and the sound of vacuum cleaners.

Experts found that the people in the group did not worry, fear when going to the dentist and hearing the sounds of the dental instruments, the left and right Gyri folds to react much. than. This means, these sounds affect the auditory part.

People with anxiety and fear with this sound have a strong mutation in brain activity. Karibe said he had seen a string of backlash in the left caudate nucleus - playing an important role in learning and remembering sounds. That fear will make the patient obsessed, always feeling afraid to see a dentist or dental treatment.

Because of this fear, many patients have "escaped" from medical examination and treatment, causing more severe areas of injury. For people with this serious dental fear , experts should conduct psychological therapies such as talking to reduce anxiety and stress before conducting a dental drill.