Why does darkness make people afraid?

Why are we all afraid of the dark, does the devil really exist and hide somewhere in the night that is the reason why we have this fear?

There is one thing in common for most of us that is fear of the dark , as a child, the night is something strange with weird things that can't be named. When growing up, darkness is less scary but it always makes us feel creepy every time we imagine.

It is no coincidence that darkness is often the subject of exploits in stories or movies that are full of humor and horror to stimulate deep fears in every human being.

A study in 2012 by scholars from the University of Toronto, Canada said that it is no coincidence that we are so afraid of the night.

Picture 1 of Why does darkness make people afraid?
It is no coincidence that we are so afraid of the night.

In fact, fear of darkness is just an evolutionary trait of people in alerting the dangers of night predators.

Before people became the leaders of the Earth through their brains and the ability to develop the power of science and technology, in the earlier period our ancestors lived in caves and often had to be vigilant. The high level of predators always considers us as food.

The weakness of humans is that their eyesight decreases at night , while predators have extremely sensitive hearing and vision in low light.

This fear is the same survival instinct as in some animals. It is like a cautious, calculated premonition that there are dangers lurking. Immediately the brain will analyze whether we should confront or flee to keep ourselves safe.

But in today's modern context, the fear of darkness has become an unclear fear. This fear is often exaggerating the imagination of the brain more.

Picture 2 of Why does darkness make people afraid?
The fear of darkness has become an unclear fear.

Perhaps this instinct must have been lost when people now do not have to worry about any animal that eats their flesh like the original time, but until now this fear has been prolonged due to the impact. of the horror products of modern people.

These products are nurturing our growing fears over things that are inherently unreal.

If you are a person who is afraid of the dark and is often the subject of everyone's teasing, remember that once this fear is an indispensable survival instinct for thousands of years ago.

It doesn't make you a weak, cowardly person, it simply makes your body more cautious of threats and makes the right decisions to survive.