Flapjax - simplifies AJAX development

Researchers at Brown University have just developed a new programming language for web development applications. They named this language Flapjax.

Flapjax is in the twin brothers with AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), mainly based on JavaScript.

The new language makes it easier for 'AJAX-style' development programs. According to software developers, the new language has many features that are not as complicated as JavaScript. Flapjax is easy to learn because 'its syntax is exactly the same as JavaScript'. Shriram Krishnamurthi, a professor of computer science at Brown University, is currently the head of this project.

Flapjax is built entirely on JavaScript. It runs on a traditional Web browser without any other plug-in components or download components.

Picture 1 of Flapjax - simplifies AJAX development You can use Flapjax as a library in JavaScript rather than as a compiler from Flapjax to JavaScript. You can integrate it into pre-existing programs.

Flapjax has six main attributes: event orientation and feedback; reduce unnecessary code through a separate template system; provides long-term storage space that automatically updates all clients sharing the same data; allow sharing data with other machines; enforce access controls on shared data channels; and support the library to connect to the final websites, allowing creation of combined client websites.

Flapjax is offered in the BSD open source license. The Flapjax team building and developing includes Professor Krishnamurthi, Leo Meyerovich, Michael Greenberg, Gregory Cooper and Aleks Bromfield.

Earlier, Professor Krishnamurthi came up with the idea of ​​Flapjax at the Lang.NET Symposium that took place at Microsoft's headquarters on August 1. He explained Flapjax's activities to a programming language specialist.
' What we do is create a language that eliminates all the messy details of AJAX, ' said Professor Krishnamurthi. ' Rather than worrying about things like building low-level packages, we provide a simple way to determine if' a data is in a remote server, then send all update information. My give it and get all its update information for me '. That's the typical way AJAX works, but with AJAX it never works at a high level or is statistically '.

Developers can use Flapjax under two angles. First, it is technically a language that inherits the syntax of JavaScript but helps write code to create a more natural interactive application. Or Flapjax can be used as a JavaScript library, providing some help in creating interactive applications.

Picture 2 of Flapjax - simplifies AJAX development Those who do not want to use the translation program from Flapjax to JavaScript can still use JavaScript components. They just need to write more code themselves.

Dion Almaer, co-founder of Ajaxian.com, said he thought Flapjax was "really interesting technology", but could not bring any storm to the tech world.

Flapjax is a major additional step for compilation programs. The compiler of JavaScript is only used for code that runs in the browser. ' It would be more useful if Flapjax is combined with a framework like Rails ,' Almaer said. ' That allows you to get Rails support with Flapjax's translation role '.

The tutorial on the technology website says that Flapjax tries to reconcile two types of programming conflicts: programming programming and imperative programming.

With declarative programming, the developer must act as a book keeper, specifying the algorithms that run in the program. Meanwhile command language describes the purpose of the program and uses algorithmic implementations for supporting software.

In contrast to both of these types, ' Flapjax points to the type of declarative specification language via command data '.

Although Flapjax was introduced to simplify AJAX development, some developers have found that it is possible to add some aggregate features.

In a reply from the blog about Flapjax on the Ajaxian website, a self-proclaimed developer named Ryan Gahl called it ' a step backwards. Instead of separating the problems, it is encouraged to grow like a spaghetti cake. That cake is perfect for dinner with a little meatball and a little cheese. But it is best not to have it involved with my upcoming projects . '

Professor Krishnamurthi reaffirmed that Flapjax is useful in many ways. And in its 'discreet' model, Flapjax separates the application's presentation layer according to its markups.

The discreet model provides features similar to the aspect-oriented programming language, the professor said.
