Fluttering because of the mysterious strange creature in China

People in a Chinese city are buzzing about the presence of giant human-like creatures in the mountains in recent times.

>>>Mysterious half-human half-monkey creature

Picture 1 of Fluttering because of the mysterious strange creature in China
A picture of a human creature that appeared in Hubei province. (Photo: People Dally).

People Daily said many people in Mei County, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province said they saw the giant on a mountain called Taibai, but their stories were not the same.

One said that many tourists heard a howl when they camped in the forest of Taibai Mountain. When they looked at the direction where the howl came from, they saw a hairy creature moving between trees. One person shouted: ' A demon ' and everyone ran around. A few days later those tourists were still so scared that they could hardly speak.

But, according to another story, some tourists from Shanghai City went to a village to climb Taibai Mountain. After three days, they camped under a cliff. Suddenly a roar sounded and the group saw a creature like the one above. When everyone is spiritually, the strange creature disappears. One person in the group said its body is full of feathers, quite similar to humans and can jump from branch to branch.

An official from Taiban Mountain National Park said that many tourists saw a strange creature on the mountain. Then they all informed the garden staff.

Right from the early 90s, Shaanxi Japanese Newspapers and many other newspapers published the appearance of a half-human, half-animal creature on Taibai Mountain.