Flying saucer clouds - mother of the water cannon

A giant rotating cloud shaped like a flying saucer appears near a US city.

>>>Video: Flying saucer cloud - mother of a dragon

Picture 1 of Flying saucer clouds - mother of the water cannon
The scene was filmed in a place near Adrian, Michigan, last week.

"What we see is a vertical swirling cloud in the storm," Chris Walcek, a meteorologist at New York University in the US, told Discovery News on June 3.

People use the word "supercell" to call the clouds to rotate continuously in a vertical storm during a great storm with lightning, wind and rain. This cloud forms when a cold, dry air layer meets a hot, moist air layer. The wind that rotates upward creates an empty cloud column in the air. The air inside the rotating cloud column with increasing speed, creates a low pressure area below. Due to the low pressure under the cloud, it constantly smoked every object.

The "supercell" cloud systems are also known as "mother of the water cannon" because they produce a water cannon. Their altitude can be up to 10km and the number of cannons they create can be up to 60. If the clouds move out of the warm and wet air, it will melt. In the opposite case, it will move close to the ground and become a giant water cannon.