Forget sharks, these 5 bacteria also make you

You think that every time you go to the beach, sharks are the only gods that can kill you? If you think so, you are wrong because there are countless other tiny but extremely dangerous creatures waiting for you to "defeat" you at any time!

And the list below will list you for scary bacteria that can "cling" to you whenever you swim in the sea, rivers and lakes, or even the pool.

1. Cryptosporidium bacteria cause diarrhea

Picture 1 of Forget sharks, these 5 bacteria also make you
The bacteria will spread if people miss something that comes in contact with the patient's waste.

Cryptosporidium is a genus of apicomplexa protozoan that can cause respiratory and digestive disease (cryptosporidiosis), mainly associated with diarrhea.

Specifically, this bacterium will spread if people miss something that comes in contact with the patient's waste (such as pool water).

Crypto is difficult to destroy because they still exist in chlorine and other disinfectants in swimming pools.

Therefore, experts recommend that everyone bathe before entering the pool and absolutely do not swim when diarrhea has occurred to avoid spreading the Crypto bacteria.

2. Same as eating brain

Picture 2 of Forget sharks, these 5 bacteria also make you
Symptoms of this attack are to cause patients with headache, stiff neck and vomiting .

With the scientific name Naegleria fowleri, this is a single-celled amoeba living in warm freshwater environments such as lakes, rivers and hot springs or soils .

Naegleria fowleri often enters the human body through the nasal passages when the victim dives in infected areas of rivers and lakes - this amoeba will gradually move to the brain.

The symptoms of this attack are to cause the patient to experience headaches, stiff neck and vomiting . More severe than the victim will fall into a coma and die after about 5 days.

3. Pseudomonas bacteria

Picture 3 of Forget sharks, these 5 bacteria also make you
Pseudomonas can cause nail fungus.

It is true that boiling water is possible but warm water is difficult to defeat bacteria.

Moreover, the bacterium called Pseudomonas - rod-shaped, formed in hair follicles, causes a rash on this skin to thrive in warm water, especially a heated swimming pool.

Picture 4 of Forget sharks, these 5 bacteria also make you
Bacteria can penetrate the ear canal, nails . causing pain, itching.

Bacteria that can enter the ear canal, nail . cause pain, itching, so you need to be careful to clean yourself after swimming.

4. Shigella bacteria

Picture 5 of Forget sharks, these 5 bacteria also make you
This is a bacterial group of four different types of bacteria that cause 500,000 cases of diarrhea in the US each year.

This is a bacterial group of four different types of bacteria that cause 500,000 cases of diarrhea in the US each year. Symptoms include fever, abdominal pain, and a feeling that makes you want to defecate constantly.

This symptom will begin after 2 days of "victim" contaminated with Shigella contaminated water in ponds, lakes, sea .

5. Legionella bacteria

Picture 6 of Forget sharks, these 5 bacteria also make you
This is an infectious disease, but does not spread from person to person.

The bacteria that enter the body will cause lung infections (pneumonia) - Legionnaires.

Through research, this bacterium thrives at a temperature of 30 - 37 degrees Celsius, stalling at about 40-45 degrees Celsius and is only knocked down at temperatures above 70 degrees C.

Potentially this pathogen is an area of ​​humidity such as hotel baths, swimming pools, air conditioning systems .

This is an infectious disease, but does not spread from person to person. However, symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, headache, mild cough . are easy to make many people subjective, just think is common disease.

If the disease is not detected, early treatment for 10 days can develop into pneumonia, respiratory failure, liver and kidney failure.