Found rare dead whales on the coast in Poland

On November 17, a Polish expert said a white whale was found on the Baltic beach in Poland. This is a rare thing in the country which is far away from the area where this particular fish frequents.

Picture 1 of Found rare dead whales on the coast in Poland
White whale.(Photo:

Krzysztof Skora, the head of the marine life research station, said the body of the bad white whale weighed about 3 tons, lying on the coast near the town of Mielno.

According to Mr. Skora, this whale is similar to the big nose whale in the North. The habitat of this fish is the North Atlantic region, but sometimes they are "reckless" to some other places because white whales are a natural favorite.

Currently scientists are waiting for the special vessel to lift and transfer this dolphin to land to conduct autopsy.

In 2006, a big nose dolphin was also discovered in the Thames, London (England) and in the Danish Strait in 2010, but they were all dead.