Galilee - 'Father of modern science'

Galilee was a famous ancient scientist, he was born in Pisa Italia. Throughout his life he pursued the truth, devoted himself to science, daring to uphold his principles.

Galilee (Galileo Galilei: 1564-1642): Galilee was an astronomer, an Italian physicist . When he was a poor family, he did not finish his university studies, 25-year-old self-taught teachers were invited to become university professors. First he introduced the principle of inertia, concept of force and acceleration, who paved the way for classics and experimental physics. He was the first person to use a telescope to observe celestial bodies, to prove and develop solar theory as the cosmic center of Copernicus.

Picture 1 of Galilee - 'Father of modern science'
Galileo Galilei.

He was dubbed the " Father of modern science " by the latter.

When he was in Galilee as a student who often asked questions, for interesting problems he always found a way to prove himself. There was a teacher who gave a conundrum to the students: Using a rope to turn into different closed shapes, which one has the largest area? In order to find the answer Galilê had found a rope to turn into figures like squares, rectangles, circles, etc. he finally discovered that the circle was the largest image of all shapes, he also used the knowledge His math learned to prove this point.

His teacher saw such Galilee proof so excited, encouraging him to study mathematics.

Gallilette became increasingly interested in their team , he often read some books of famous scientists, he liked to read books of the most Greek Greek philosopher Arix, and at the same time liked to discuss content in the book. He gradually discovered that there were many problems Arixot did not have a strict dialectic thinking but only judged through feeling and experience.

Arixot thinks that the two things at the same time leave from the top down, heavy objects fall first, light objects fall backwards. Glilê is more and more suspicious of this, he thinks: ' Did the ice sheets fall from the sky, does the big clump fall to the ground the same? Is Arixot wrong or is he wrong? "

Later, Galilê became professor of mathematics at Pisa University, and he gave skepticism to Aristotle 's doctrine .

His colleagues know that his skepticism has been chattering, some say Arixot is such a great character, could his opinion be wrong?

This must be dominant. Others say the Church and the Pope both acknowledge what Aristoté says is true, Galilee dares to doubt the truth. Crazy. But Glilé did not pay attention to what people were allergic to, he thought of using experiment to prove his rightness. He remembers when he and his children climbed the Tower of Pisa to throw stones down, each time throwing a handful of stones down to a small island, they all fell to the ground for a while. So he decided to go to pisa tower to do experiments, so that everyone could see the experimental results.

Picture 2 of Galilee - 'Father of modern science'

Galilee posted ads in the city, he wrote: " Tomorrow, everyone will come to Pisa to see the experiment of falling objects ." The news was transmitted, at noon the next day many people came to see the experiment, some were scientists, some were just ordinary people in the city, there were his friends and there were people who opposed him. . Among the people who watched there were still people laughing at him, they said that an idiot believed that a chicken feather and a stone fell to the same ground. At that time Galilê was very confident that he and his students had experimented many times and each time proved right.

The experiment began, Galilee and his students placed two distinctly small iron balls in a box, the bottom of the box could be opened, just dragging out the bottom of the box were two iron bridges inside. The box is simultaneously free to fall. Galilee and his students brought the box to the top of the tower, everyone standing at the bottom stared up intently. Galilee personally pulled out the bottom of the box, everyone saw two iron balls a big and small falling, all holding their breath.

'Bich' for an hour, both of them simultaneously fell to the ground and everyone watching and shouting, and those who opposed Galilee were silent. In fact, everyone saw:

Everything can fall from above, falling time is not related to weight.

It is worth mentioning that in 1969 astronauts set foot on the moon, they did experiments, dropped a feather and a stone fell together, resulting in feathers and stones falling to the moon together. a time. This tells if there is no thrust of the air, the feather and the stone will fall to the ground at the same time.

The famous story of experimentation at the Leaning Tower of Pisa is still circulating in the world to this day, it has become an anecdotal history of science.

A story about a telescope

In the summer of a year, Galilee received a letter from a friend, saying in the letter: ' There was a Dutch man who made a very special glass, yesterday when I walked along the river I was meet him. At the other side of the river there was a very beautiful girl, through the lens I saw the girl, her face was as clear as if she was standing right in front of me. I was surprised to shout, I thought I could touch the girl, but when I reached out, I almost fell into the river, so the girl was still on the river bank! Because he doesn't have any more glasses, he can't buy it back for him. '

Galilee read and read the letter again and again, happily jumping up and down, he said: 'I have to do that as well! I want to see firsthand the faces of those in the distance, maybe I want to see the faces of the stars in the sky as well! '

In order to make this special glass, Galilee had read the relevant documents, then thought about it. On the one hand he used a pen on paper, on the other hand, to use a calculator. It took exactly one night, he finally found a way to make this glass. Galilee wanted to make this kind of glass, he needed to buy the lens workpieces to try to make the device visible, but he could not find any copper bags, he told the employee: 'Get my jacket and put it Money! 'The waiter does not want to do that, so she takes her own money to buy rattan pieces of lens casts.

Picture 3 of Galilee - 'Father of modern science'

After having materials to do so, he immediately started grinding glasses. Regarding the features of the lens , the Galilee is too attached but the glass grinding is very sophisticated. It took him several days to sharpen two pieces of lens, a convex lens , and a concave lens . He took two long, big tubes, one small so that they could be interlocked, he attached two lenses to the two tubes, now only the adjustment of the distance of the two lenses could bring the objects from Far closer and magnify it. Galilee lifted the simple and strange lens up to see the tree grow outside the window, he adjusted two glass-attached pipes that were to adjust the distance of the two lenses, when adjusting to the best position, Galilee. suddenly saw the small tree standing far away right in front of his eyes, it felt as if it was palpable. Galilee succeeded, making this kind of visionary glass, he was extremely happy! He was determined to continue to improve this type of glass so that it could look further. So he started to design, calculate, draw, sharpen the lens . Through a summer of trying, the magnification factor of the lens has increased from 3 to 9 times. Later he made 33 times the magnifying glass of the object, which is called 'telescope' . Because it is really a glass of hope , people still call it that way so far.

After successful production of telescopes and fast transmissions across Europe, many people paid money to buy his glasses. Because the most important part of honor is lens, Galilê keeps grinding glasses all day and night, but even so, his glasses are not enough to sell to people in need.

Galilee produced and improved telescopes while starting to use telescopes to apply to observing the sky, which laid the foundation for him to study astronomy later.

Truth shines

In the sky there are countless stars, they are remote and mystical. In the Galilean era, it was believed that all the stars in the sky were standing still, still, the center was Earth . This is the ' Earth Theory is the center of the universe ' that people recognized at that time. But Galilê used a telescope to observe moving bodies. He wrote in his book: 'All is not static, the sun is spinning, the earth is also rotating. The earth not only revolves around a loose face but also revolves around itself on a single axis'.

The newly launched Galilean doctrine insulted the Church and the Church attributed his theory to the type of "Sun theory as the center of the universe" , which is considered a heterogeneous doctrine. The Church does not want to see someone give a different doctrine than tradition, want people to forever believe that the earth is the center of the universe. The Church's religious court called the judge still Galilee, Galilé received the pope 's warning, forbidding him to propagate ' Sunism is the center of the universe ' in any form.

Galilee was attacked, but he still did not forget his research. It takes 6 years to complete your book, the content discusses two points of view: ' Sun theory is the center of the universe' and 'Earth Theory is the center of the universe'. The book spreads new ideas, writing lively, funny, after publishing readers have won each other immediately.

Galilê protesters finished reading and attacked him, saying that publishing this book was a violation of the ban and making the matter more and more serious.

Thus, the book just released half a year has been banned from selling. The Pope believed in the disparaging Galilee of some narrow-minded people, the Roman saints and the Spanish kingdom working together to give a warning, this kind of warning is a very strict measure. at that time.

Two months later, the Rome court sent the Galilee summons to the court. Despite being 69 years old, his bedridden illness was still escorted to Rome.

At first, the Church appointed Galilee to admit that it was a mistake to propagate 'Sunism at the center of the universe' and asked him to write a letter to ensure that the propaganda would not be propagated later. But Galilê did not plead guilty, nor did he write a guarantee, he said: ' The things I wrote in the book were objective, I did not oppose the Pope. What crime do I have? Could I hide the truth, deceive people? Will I be punished for telling the truth? '

The interrogation lasted five months, Galilee's health was unbearable, but each time he still did not show remorse over what he did. Because of his weak health, after each interrogation he had to return by stretcher. The Church Court found his health truly unbearable and ruled: 'The crime of Galilee is against the doctrine of heterogeneous doctrine held from life. "

After the court sentenced, Galilee was imprisoned near Rome, losing freedom. Even so, the night of Galilee persisted in writing until his eyes were broken, he could no longer see the light. He believed in the light of truth that would surely overcome every dark force. Shortly afterwards Galilee took his last breath.

More than 300 years later, in 1979 the Roman Holy See publicly corrected Galilee. The Pope officially stated that the Roman Holy See's ruling against Galilee was a serious mistake. The last history has a fair justice to this great scientist, Galilee's name is forever respected by humankind.

"I think in this world nothing is more painful than not having knowledge"
- Galilee -