Mysterious stone structure 70 meters in diameter under Israeli sea

Archaeologists discovered a stone structure twice as large as the Stonehenge circle beneath the Sea of ​​Galilee in Israel.

The conical stone structure below the Sea of ​​Galilee in Israel is nearly 10 meters high, about 70 meters in diameter, twice as large as the ancient stone circle at Stonehenge, England, according to Ancient Origins. So far its purpose and construction time remain the subject of confusion for scientists.

Picture 1 of Mysterious stone structure 70 meters in diameter under Israeli sea
Researchers estimate the diameter at the foot of the stone project is about 70m.(Photo: Shmuel Marco).

This stone structure weighing about 60,000 tons was discovered for the first time in a marine survey with sound equipment in 2003. It is made of basalt rocks about a meter long but has no signs of perforated. hewn. The structure of the whole construction is also unclear.

Many researchers have identified this stone structure built on land by humans, but were later covered by the Sea of ​​Galilee when the water level rose. A number of similar structures were discovered in many parts of the world to mark the burial place of the dead, but archaeologists were unsure whether the stone structure beneath the Sea of ​​Galilee was used for the same purpose. .

Yitzhak Paz, a researcher at the Israel Antiquities Agency, believes that the stone structure is about 4,000 years old. However, scientists will need to conduct more excavations in the future to search for related artifacts, and accurately determine the age and purpose of construction of the stone structure.