Rewrite history Stonehenge

It seems that people finally discovered the long-standing mystery that embraced Stonehenge, thanks to new research by British archaeologists.

UNESCO has described Stonehenge as the most complex prehistoric stone structure on earth, while archaeologists have long argued about the importance of Stonehenge, from astronomical tools to living spiritual sites. . After years of brainstorming about the mysterious ancient architecture in southwestern England, experts finally found evidence that this might be the grave of the most quintessential characters of the Stone Age. This finding may overturn the long-held theory that Stonehenge - in the Salisbury plains - was created to serve astronomical and ancient observations.

Picture 1 of Rewrite history Stonehenge
Stonehenge has always been a mysterious symbol of England - (Photo:

A team of experts led by Professor Mike Parker Pearson of the University of London said that Stonehenge was in fact far older and the function was completely different from what people thought.'Our findings are rewriting the long history of Stonehenge,' AFP quoted Professor Parker Pearson. Accordingly, centuries before the first giant sandstone block was pulled to Stonehenge, the world's most famous prehistoric monument could start the past fiercely by becoming the final resting place of the nobility. thousands of years ago.

For the first time, experts excavated and studied over 50,000 cremated bones belonging to 63 individuals buried at Stonehenge. Team leader Parker Pearson, who has worked in this place and nearby relics for decades, said that the practice of burying people at Stonehenge took many years before it was formed in its present state. After a decade of research, including excavation, experimentation and analysis, archaeologists discovered that the original Stonehenge was a huge cemetery for aristocratic families who lived about 3,000 BC , which is earlier than astronomical Stonehenge for 500 years.

In total, experts analyzed 63 remains of Stone Age people, where the burial place is marked with copper sulfate stones. Stonehenge is also maintained as a giant spherical cemetery for at least 200 years. Further analysis of livestock teeth taken from 80,000 excavated animal bones at the same site also shows that, around 2,500 BC, Stonehenge used to be a place to organize community parties in a flexible manner. These banquets can attract up to one tenth of the UK population, a sign that ancient people from many places have come to Stonehenge to celebrate the ceremony of winter solstice and summer solstice, and to build monuments. as today . 'Stonehenge is a symbol of connecting the ancient English together,' said Professor Parker Pearson.

In previous archeology at Durrington Walls, Parker Pearson said that this was a trace of a tool-making factory for builders of Stonhenge. Ancient people dragged and shaped more than 2,000 tons of stone to create great works to save the name of the posterity. Besides, the researchers also said the new discovery revealed why the ancient people stopped using this place, despite its special importance. The push back of Stonehenge's time shows that this place was built before the Beaker landed in Britain 4,300 years ago. Accordingly, the Beaker brought metal, wheels and a culture less focused on politics, marking the end of the monumental monument built by ancient English.