Germany: Development of

Currently, Germany has made active efforts in conserving energy by recent changes in the Construction Law, which lists energy conservation standards in construction, with the development of the type ". Passive home ", an energy efficient home.

This particular type of house has solar panels, windows with 3 insulation layers, and a unique ventilation system, recycling capital and heat loss prevention. Architect designed " Passive House ", Oliver Jirka, said the most important advantage of this type of house is the elimination of conventional heating methods due to optimal insulation.

Jirka's house in Borgsdorf, near Berlin, is surrounded by a sealed air cushion, helping to keep the heat inside the house. The indoor air is automatically ventilated through a system of 150m long underground pipes, which circulates the air and maintains a constant temperature of about 8 ° C. Additional heat and space between the glass panels are filled with Arargon gas.

Although construction costs are higher than conventional designs, but according to Jirka architect, it saves significant heating and hot water costs, with only about 50 euros a month.

About 6,000 houses or apartments across Europe have adopted the energy-saving design of " Passive Homes ". According to studies, the energy savings in these houses are up to 80%.

Picture 1 of Germany: Development of Picture 2 of Germany: Development of
Outside and inside " Passive house " (Photo: HTV)

State budget