'Giant butterfly' was discovered in Malaysia

A man just caught an Attacus butterfly (also known as Atlas butterfly or star fruit butterfly) parked on a small Malaysian trail with wingspan of about 25cm, according to the Daily Mail.

>>>Close-up of butterflies named in the Vietnam Red Book

Sandesh Kadur caught this giant insect as he drove through a bend in the eastern Himalayas.

Picture 1 of 'Giant butterfly' was discovered in Malaysia
Image of a giant butterfly with wingspan of nearly 25cm captured by Mr. Sandesh Kadur

Kadur did not miss the opportunity, immediately took a picture of the butterfly. He described the butterfly as "extremely big".

The butterfly is named Atlas because the colorful horizontal and vertical lines on their wings are reminiscent of the lines on the map.

In China, they are called 'snakeheads' because of the patterns on the wings like snake skin.

Scientists say these lines are used to scare dangerous species of natural enemies.

Atlas butterflies are found in tropical and subtropical forests in Southeast Asia and are also quite common in the Malaysian archipelago.

To reach the wingspan size of 25cm or more, a pupil takes about 6 weeks.

But this butterfly only lives about two weeks. They do not have a complete mouth but only rely on the fat they accumulate as a pup.

They are flying orbits that are not very beautiful and not far away. Their goal when molting becomes a butterfly is to maintain the race.