Goliath giant homeland was found

The Independent on 5.8 reported that archaeologists from Bar-Illan University (Israel) have found the gate to the city of Gath, the home of the giant warrior Goliath once told in the Bible.

Discover the ruins of the city of Gath, the home of the giant Goliath

Ruins of the city of Gath have been discovered in the Tel Zafit National Park at the foot of Judea Hill, between Jerusalem and Ashkelon.

Picture 1 of Goliath giant homeland was found
Goliath Giant Hometown Discovery - Photo 1 Corner of Jerusalem City - (Photo: Reuters)

Gath city was destroyed by King Hazael of the Aram-Damascus kingdom around the 9th century BC. This is also the home of Goliath , the Philistine warrior who was defeated by an Israeli king David.

The gate above is considered one of the largest ruins found in Israel. In addition to the gate, experts also unearthed a wall with the temple and an iron forge. ' We knew that Gath was one of the cities in the area during the Iron Age. Maybe this is the gate that the Bible author had envisioned in his head when writing the story (about David and Goliath), 'said Professor Aren Maeir, the leader of the excavation team.