Great invention: Found legendary nuts

After decades of searching, physicists finally believed that they had successfully created the legendary Majorana fermion.

If certified, this will be the first time that a physical phenomenon is predicted since 1937 by the Italian theorist Ettore Majorana to appear in reality.Majorana fermions are electron particles with their own antiparticle. They are neither fermions nor bosons, and instead follow non-Abel statistics. The quantum states of such particles are expected to have a high impedance to environmental disturbances, making them ideal candidates for quantum computers.

Picture 1 of Great invention: Found legendary nuts
Majorana particles of fermion are predicted from years
1937 but has never been seen in reality.

In an article published in the journal Science recently, physicist Vincent Mourikand Leo P.Kouwenhoven said that his team caused Majorana fermion particles to be exposed by inserting a small circuit board into the magnet magnetic field.

However, according to experts, although the evidence is quite solid but still need more similar experiments in the future to confirm this discovery.

Special nuts

Basic particles always exist in two forms: fermion and boson. Fermions are particles such as electrons, leptons and quarks. Fermion constitutes matter and follows the Pauli Exclusion Principle on which two particles cannot have the same quantum state at the same time. In the meantime, Boson is a particle like Photon, Boson W, Boson Z, Gluon .

Fermion particles have antiparticles, ie particles with the same mass but contrary to the electrode with them. An electron has a negative electrode while its antiparticle is a positron with positive electrode. When electrons come into contact with their antiparticles (in this case positrons), the two particles will annihilate each other and turn into energy photons.

But unlike all other fermions, Majorana behaves exactly like its own antiparticle. Only thing, Majorana particles will still cancel each other out in contact with antiparticles.

If Kouwenhoven's findings are noted, Majorana will give people a practical application, which is a simpler and more efficient way of storing information in quantum computing.