Healthy nuts

Nuts seem rich in calories and fat. But no, experts say: we should sip these nuts if we want to be healthy and slender. This is a great snack!

The FDA's Food and Drug Administration says eating 50 grams of seeds a day will help reduce the risk of heart disease (all grains contain very little 'bad' cholesterol). In addition, some nuts like walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory and support muscles during exercise.

Picture 1 of Healthy nuts


A low-cholesterol nut, a heart-healthy snack, a serving (about one hand) of this tear-shaped seed will provide 35% of the daily vitamin E needs and can be protected. body from cancer and other diseases like Alzheimer's.


Are you looking forward to having children? So eat 1 pack of folate-filled chestnuts every day to reduce the risks associated with reproduction.

If you are not a future mother, you can still eat this grain because the B vitamin in chestnuts can prevent cancer, depression, heart disease and calcium and magnesium and potassium help reduce blood pressure


The most common and easy-to-grow seeds are also one of the best nuts for health. Very rich in protein, peanuts also contain natural minerals called resveratol, which experts believe can disrupt cardiovascular disease.

They do not belong to the group of almonds that belong to the legume family but no matter which family they are, they are good for the body.

Beef with peanuts is a very nutritious dish for those who practice sports.


One of the indispensable dishes in these European festivals is at the top of the list of antioxidant-rich foods and is believed to help reduce bad cholesterol in blood vessels. In addition, with extremely high levels of phytoserol, pecans are one of the best coronary defense fighters.


Very rich in omega-3 fats, walnuts help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and depression. Walnuts also help reduce inflammation and can lead to risks for the ductus arteriosus and fractures.