Hands freezing cold because of cold weather, what is the way to warm hands fast and safest?

In a cold, cold weather like this, the hand seemed to stiffen whenever "sticking" out. So what is the fastest way to warm hands?

Northern weather is going through cold days with low heat, accompanied by rain, so it is extremely difficult to drive to the road.

Just cold and cold, the hand sticking out and holding the steering wheel seemed to be stiff, reddened with frost. So when you arrive, warming your hands is one of the things that everyone does first. But where is the method of warming hands fast and safest.

Need to say a little bit, when the outdoor temperature is lowered, the walls of the blood vessels shrink, making blood in your body not easily circulated. The task of the brain is to keep the key body warm at all costs, if it is necessary to sacrifice the peripheral parts.

That's why we feel that the tips of our fingers and toes are prone to stiffness, frostbite . because the body is gathering blood to the center, limiting the pumping of blood to the periphery.

Besides, because the hand is the part that has to stick out, contact with the cold weather, the phenomenon of frost will happen faster. Therefore, when you reach a warm place, you need to immediately place this area of ​​your hands.


1. Rub together, rub both hands together

Picture 1 of Hands freezing cold because of cold weather, what is the way to warm hands fast and safest?
Rub two palms quickly together.

Simply put, rub your palms quickly together, rub until your hands become warm.

This action will help improve the circulation of blood vessels, or rather, help stimulate the brain to redirect more blood flow to this peripheral.

Or you can also hold one hand tightly, the other hand rubs the area around the hand that is clenched several times. You switch sides and do the same, also works to blood circulation, warming hands.

2. Take 1 cup of warm water, hug the outside of the cup

Picture 2 of Hands freezing cold because of cold weather, what is the way to warm hands fast and safest?
Hugging 1 cup of warm water will help your hands warm again.

Hugging 1 cup of warm water will help your hands warm again. This is because the hands that come in contact with the cup of warm water will warm up, under the effect of temperature, the blood vessels will stretch and gradually expand. At the same time, it transfers heat to the blood in the circuits. Now, because of elasticity, blood vessels can restore their original state.Note: do not let your hands come into direct contact with the surface of the cup too hot.

Besides, when going from cold to outdoor, your body will need to adjust your body temperature to suit the environmental conditions.

If "cold", you can also drink 1 cup of warm water (hot ginger tea is a good suggestion). Because ginger is a spicy root, warmth should be effective in warming the body, helping to regulate heat in the body against the cold outside.


Picture 3 of Hands freezing cold because of cold weather, what is the way to warm hands fast and safest?
Do not warm your hands towards the fireplace or immerse your hands in hot water.

The reason is because in cold weather, blood in the hands is shrinking. Blood vessels in the hand are still in a state of contraction that immediately comes into contact with the high temperature background, blood in the blood vessels will immediately rush in, easily causing congestion to become hematoma . At the same time, the skin will now turn from white to red and then from red to purple.

In a long time, the bleeding will not have fresh blood flow, lack of oxygen makes the skin numb, even necrosis.

So when your hands are numb, do not put your hands on the fire immediately but let the temperature of your hands slowly warm up.