He: autism related to MMR vaccination

Every 58 children in the UK have an autism or related disease, the result just announced after three years of surveying 12,000 elementary students of a group of seven scientists from the Autism Research Center. University of Cambridge.

Meanwhile, official statistics are still used by the British Government as 1/100 children, while the research published in The Lancet last year also showed a ratio of 1/86.

Dr. Fiona Scott and Carol Stott in the research group also said that part of the cause of developmental autism is related to MMR vaccination (measles - mumps - rubella vaccination 3 in 1) when young 12-15 months old. However, they only produce statistical results that do not explain why the disease develops.

Picture 1 of He: autism related to MMR vaccination

Treatment for autistic children in America (Photo: utexas.edu)