Healing effects of papaya

Papaya is honored as the "lord" of fruit species because it is not only delicious, has many nutritional values, is easy to eat but it also has a very good curative effect.

Nutrition in papaya

The amount of beta carotene in papaya is more in other vegetables. Beta carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, the body will be converted into vitamin A.

This is a micronutrient that acts as a powerful antioxidant to help fight some cancers, prevent dry eyes, dry skin and have a laxative effect. In 100g ripe papaya contains 2,100 mcg beta carotene.
Also in papaya also contains many vitamins. Papaya can provide the body with essential vitamins such as vitamin A and vitamin C, in 100g papaya has 74-80 mg of vitamin C.

Picture 1 of Healing effects of papaya

Papaya also contains vitamins B1, B2, enamel acids and minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. Eating papaya regularly has the effect of adding blood, helping to recover the liver in people with malaria.

Due to high levels of vitamin C and carotene, papaya has an antioxidant effect, increasing the body's resistance.

Effects of cardiovascular protection

According to many studies papaya has a good effect on preventing cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes, atherosclerosis, because papaya contains many antioxidants such as vitamins C, E and A These nutrients work to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, limit platelet arrays due to oxidation of cholesterol, which binds to the walls of blood vessels, obstructing the blood vessels and causing blood flow.

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Vitamins E and C of papaya combine to form a compound called paraoxonase , or enzyme , that can inhibit oxidation to produce bad cholesterol (LDL). In addition, papaya is also a fiber-rich fruit, so it has the effect of reducing blood fat (cholessterol), and folic acid in papaya has the effect of converting homocysteine ​​into essential amino acids like cysteine ​​or methionine. If not metabolized, homocysteine ​​can directly damage blood vessels, even if high, can cause heart attacks or strokes.

Improve the health of the digestive system

Science has long studied and found that eating papaya has a good effect on preventing colon cancer . The fiber in papaya can 'collect' pathogenic toxins in the colon and protect healthy cells from the risk of infection.

In addition, papaya also contains nutrients such as folate, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and vitamin E, which help to reduce colorectal cancer, especially preventing the attack of free radicals. DNA damage. Therefore, strengthening papaya is also a good way to prevent colon cancer.

Picture 3 of Healing effects of papaya

Anti-inflammatory drugs

In papaya contains two important compounds called papain and chymopapain , which are two effective digestive enzymes that reduce inflammation and heal injuries. In addition, papaya also contains a lot of vitamin C, E and betacarotene, so it works to prevent infection at the highest level, so people with asthma and rheumatism are often prescribed by doctors to use nutrients. above.

Strengthen resistance

Vitamins C and A supplied by papaya will help the immune system work better, especially the risk of preventing the diseases that often occur during the seasons such as colds, flu, ear infections .

Prevent the risk of macular degeneration

In the Journal of Ophthalmology (AOO) of the United States published in early 2009, it is recommended that people should eat 3 servings of fruit and vegetables daily (each serving is equivalent to 1 small bowl), will reduce the risk of many diseases. Age-related macular degeneration (AMRD). In particular, up to 36% reduced risk compared to those who ate only 1 - 1.5 rates. The best fruits that can prevent ARMD include carrots and papayas because they are high in vitamins C, A, E, carotenoids, antioxidants. Papaya can be processed in slices, juices or direct meals.

Reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis

Picture 4 of Healing effects of papaya

Although high doses of vitamin C may increase the risk of osteoporosis, vitamin C in foods, especially in papaya, protects the body against the risk of polyarthiritis, a form of inflammatory disease. Rheumatoid arthritis. The conclusion is based on research with more than 20,000 people using vitamin C in papaya and found to be highly effective in preventing painful inflammation in patients.

Enhance lung function

People who smoke or have to live in a smoke-free environment (passive smoking) should be supplemented with vitamin A-rich foods, including papaya. Research by experts at the University of Kansas (USA) shows that this is a nutrient that helps prevent lung infections and emphysema (enphysema) due to carcinogen compounds in smoke and benzopyrene in smoke. Tobacco causes, it increases the risk of vitamin A deficiency in humans, especially in the elderly.

Eye replenishment

Papaya is one of the characteristic fruits that contains a lot of vitamin A. Thus, it helps us to have bright, stronger eyes. Therefore, papaya supports us very well during the stressful days of studying, for those who have nearsightedness, astigmatism and prevent blurred vision for the elderly.