Techniques for growing papaya trees are fruitless all year round, with few pests and diseases

Papaya is not only a fruit with a delicious taste but also a precious remedy to help people stay healthy. The techniques for planting papaya trees are not difficult to easily apply to improve family income.

Papaya is a tropical fruit tree, widely grown in many places. Intercropping perennial trees or planting them into specialized gardens, . Enough for very high productivity, techniques for growing papaya trees are not difficult, increasing the family's economic income.

Part time

Picture 1 of Techniques for growing papaya trees are fruitless all year round, with few pests and diseases
The technique of planting papaya is not difficult, giving high productivity

Papaya is capable of flowering and fruiting all year round, although there is little or no fruit. Therefore, to grow papaya with high productivity, good fruit, pest and disease resistance, papaya can be arranged in the following crops:

  1. The land actively irrigates and grows papaya during the rainy season (July - August).
  2. Land with less active water (areas affected by flood water) planted after sprinting.

When planting, seedlings must reach 20-30 days old.

Choose papaya seed

Select ripe fruits, cut off the head and stalk, take the seeds from the middle of the fruit and drop it right into the water, select the black seeds and sink them , wash the viscous screen over the seeds, and dry them and sow immediately. Seeds germinate regularly after 10-15 days. It is also possible to plant two or three seeds in a small bulb to eliminate when seeds are less germinating, pest infestation or to trim male plants.

Making soil and plants

The soil must be plowed deeply to crush small beds up to 40-50 cm above the trench surface, the distance between the beds is 2-2.5 m, the bed surface is 1.6-2 m wide (in low fields, it is easy to flood then the bed must be higher. Land in the field is grown papaya soup to pick up all papaya roots, 1-2 months of drying.

Picture 2 of Techniques for growing papaya trees are fruitless all year round, with few pests and diseases
Need to take care of and properly fertilize papaya trees

Apply 1 ton of organic fertilizer, 0.3kg of Bosat / pole. Dig 60x60x30 planting holes , in the middle of the bed, 2m apart from each other. Each pole is planted from 80-90 trees, be careful to plant vertical and horizontal lines so that later it is easy to fight against falling. Compost must be composted, fertilizer lime must be applied to mix well with soil to dig holes before planting papaya into the hole.

Plant tree

Papaya does not tolerate alum, shallow roots and poor water resistance, so it should choose non-alum soil, porous, well drained . The body should be tilted downwards in a strong wind to limit deep roots.

Planting density : Usually planted in the form of a rectangle, the tree is 1.5 - 2 m away from the tree and 2.5 - 3.0 m away from the line, so it is planted sparingly between two rows to easily take care and harvest.

How to fertilize


From 1-2kg bio-organic fertilizer, 200gr lime. Plants aged 1 month after planting: 50gr NPK fertilizer 16-12-8-11 + TE. Mix in 10 liters of water, water the plants, 1 week for 1 time.

Plants aged 1-3 months after planting

The amount of fertilizer calculated per plant: 50-100gr / 1 time. Apply 15-20 times a day.

Picture 3 of Techniques for growing papaya trees are fruitless all year round, with few pests and diseases
Papaya has many beauty effects and improves health

Plants from 3 to 7 months old after planting

Amount of fertilizer calculated for 1 tree: 100-150gr NPK 12-12-17-9 + TE. Apply once a month. By the 6th month, it is possible to apply 1kg of organic compost HG01 and 100gr of lime to a tree, combine with the original. Can spray more foliar fertilizer. Spray periodically 3 -4 weeks / time according to the concentration.

Take care of


Papaya is a plant that needs a lot of water but is very afraid of waterlogged. Therefore, it is necessary to provide adequate water for plants in the dry season and good drainage for the trees in the rainy season or when flooding occurs.


Weeds compete for nutrition and provide shelter for pests and diseases. Need to do often around the root.

Incubation base

Use straw or dry grass around the root in the dry season to keep the moisture and keep the appropriate temperature for the tree.

Disease prevention

Red spider : Often harmful to plants in the dry season, under the leaf surface. The damaged leaves have yellow spots, sores, then the leaves burn and fall.

Prevention and treatment : Spray one of the following drugs: Danitol, Bi 58 concentration 0.1%. Alternately change the medicine or you can mix a mixture of 2 drugs to spray, because the red spider is very resistant.


When the fruit reaches its maximum size and begins to ripen, it can be harvested. Observe when the fruit peels up, slightly yellow at the tip of the fruit (called papaya on the skin), this time the latex in the tree flows slightly inside. It is necessary to pay attention to collecting fruits when it is sunny, because the peels when ripening are often soft and easily scratched. At 8-12oC temperature ripe fruit can be stored for about 3 weeks.