Heavy snowfall on Chinese streets is unusually mid-autumn

Usually at this time of year, the average temperature in Gansu will be 17 degrees Celsius and snowfall is a particularly unusual phenomenon.

Many places in northern China have just picked up the first fall of snow after cold air spilled down, causing the temperature to drop suddenly.

According to CCTV, some cities in Gansu, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Hebei and Inner Mongolia have been affected by cold air from Sunday, with temperatures dropping to 4 degrees C.

Picture 1 of Heavy snowfall on Chinese streets is unusually mid-autumn
Many places in northern China have just picked up the first fall of snow.

Heat difference from before and after cold air down to big cities like Cat Lam, Xich Phong and Lan Chau is up to 12 degrees.

Usually at this time of year, the average temperature in Gansu will be 17 degrees Celsius and snowfall is a particularly unusual phenomenon.

Earlier, in August, Urumqi and Xinjiang residents also saw unusual snowfall.

Photos and videos on social networks show streets and buildings in northern China covered with a thick layer of snow.

Some users on social network Weibo were shocked to see snow falling, while others boasted about warm temperatures in the south.

Picture 2 of Heavy snowfall on Chinese streets is unusually mid-autumn
Some cities in Gansu, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Hebei and Inner Mongolia were affected by cold air from Sunday, with temperatures dropping to 4 degrees C.

One commented: "I'm sure the winter doesn't exist in Guangdong ." Others added: "If you wear a long-sleeved shirt in Guangxi, everyone will laugh at you."

However, cold air is expected to affect the southern provinces of China this weekend. Temperatures are expected to drop by 16 degrees in Hunan - where temperatures reached 36 degrees Celsius last Saturday.