Helmet heard the thought

The hat uses EEG technology to convert brain activity into electronic data. Simply put, the hat can "read" the person's mind, turn it into sound and "turn it on" for you!

Picture 1 of Helmet heard the thought

Picture 2 of Helmet heard the thought
Experience Helmet

The birth mother of the London-based Aiste Noreikaite, said she wanted to create "a reflection of one's individual experience through sound at a time." Inspired by Buddhism, Aiste wanted to give humanity a device that aroused personal sentiment .

The magic hat starts with a conventional bicycle helmet, then it is inserted into a wireless EEG device and a headphone. Next, Aiste studies how to transfer the data collected from the hat to the audio form. After much effort, finally the hat is completed.

When the hat does not think, the sound will be higher. When a person concentrates on a specific matter, the sound becomes faster and more rhythmic.

This good-looking hat is named Experience Helmet , but its effectiveness has not been proven. Noreikaite is still working hard to bring the hat to the next level - turning human feelings into sound.