Herbivorous dinosaurs received ancestors

Scientists at Texas Tech University have discovered a complete fossil of a dinosaur believed to be the ancestor of the largest herbivorous dinosaur on Earth.

Paleontologist Sankar Chatterjee and his colleagues discovered a dinosaur bone fossil 9.14m long in a plain in Lufeng in Yunnan province (China) in 2005. Chronology of chemical This jelly is estimated to be over 200 million years.

Picture 1 of Herbivorous dinosaurs received ancestors
Head bone of ancient herbivorous dinosaurs.

Scientists identified this fossil as an ancient dinosaur - believed to be the ancestor of the largest herbivorous dinosaur on Earth, Sauropods. This species of dinosaur with 4 legs has a long neck. The fossil analysis also found that the teeth of ancient dinosaurs also formed serrated teeth and spoons like Sauropods.

' A lot of secrets about dinosaurs are still undiscovered and we are trying to clarify this secret through the fossils found. This finding may help us better understand dinosaur evolution , 'said Sankar Chatterjee.

In the plains of Lufeng in Yunnan Province, scientists also found at least six other herbivorous dinosaurs. This shows the diverse evolution of the largest dinosaur on Earth.

' Everyone loves Sauropods herbivorous dinosaurs because they are the largest animals that can walk on Earth. And of course everyone wants to know how this dinosaur evolved? The findings could help answer part of the question , "said Dr. Randall Irmis, of the University of Utah (USA).