Hope to find a vaccine for black fever

In an article published in the American Journal of Biochemistry, Swiss researchers say they have developed a vaccine that has Picture 1 of Hope to find a vaccine for black fever Black fever is a devastating killer in Africa (Photo: bbc) The ability to protect humans and animals against Leismaniasis disease - Black fever - a tropical disease that kills more than 60,000 people annually.

This new vaccine is a combination of carbohydrates derived from parasites or bacteria that cause Black Fever. Vaccine stimulates the activity of the immune system in the patient and creates a protective barrier against black fever.

Carbohydrats have been used in vaccines for meningitis and many other infections.

Professor Peter Seeberger, Head of the research team, said: "Vaccine will train the body to respond to Black Fever attack. This vaccine can also be used for domestic pets like dogs and cats." However, according to him, it will take 2-3 years for the vaccine to be tested on humans.

Black fever attacks the spleen, bone, bone marrow, liver and destroys the immune system. Every year in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sudan and Brazil, more than half a million people are infected with this disease.