Breakthrough in finding dengue vaccine

Singapore scientists have discovered a new way to prevent the possibility of dengue virus avoiding the human immune system , thereby hoping to find the first popular vaccine. The world first has the ability to prevent all four types of dengue virus.

According to the SigN study, the dengue virus has an enzyme called Mtase, also known as 2'-O-methyltransferase , that functions to alter the genetic material chemistry to avoid the immune system. Translation discovered.

The researchers found that by inserting a genetic mutation to neutralize the viral MTase enzyme , the original cells infected with the mutated MTase virus will immediately be treated by the immune system as an external . As a result, the immune system activates, providing a strong immune defense response. At the same time, mutant viruses hardly have a chance to spread on the host body.

Picture 1 of Breakthrough in finding dengue vaccine
Aedes Mosquito.(Source: NEA)

This study was conducted in collaboration with Singapore's Novartis Tropical Disease Institute (NITD) and Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology and published in PlosPathogens.

Dr. Katja Fink, Head of the SIgN research team, said: "There is currently no clinical vaccine or specific treatment for dengue fever, so we feel motivated by positive research results. for this new vaccine strategy ".

"Our next step is to build a vaccine formulation that offers comprehensive protection against all four serotypes with a single injection. If proven safe for humans, this could be a A major breakthrough in the field of dengue vaccine , " he said.

Associate Professor Leo Yee Sin of Tan Tock Seng Hospital and head of Singapore's dengue anti-dengue research program confirmed that scientists have spent more than 70 years studying dengue vaccines, and works. New research could be a real breakthrough that will help humans get closer to having a truly effective vaccine to prevent dengue.