Hot people are easy to be big bosses

A hot manager will have a greater chance of promotion than other colleagues because the people around him always think that such people will be able to lead the crowd.

University of British Columbia scientists in Canada employ more than 260 volunteers to perform two tests. In the first test, they asked 200 volunteers to solve a group problem. After the problem is solved, each person must state his or her own feelings about the other members of the group - such as ability and influence level.

The results showed that most of the volunteers felt impressed by the temperate and knowledgeable people, saying they had an impact on the group's thinking, Science Daily reported.

Picture 1 of Hot people are easy to be big bosses
Temperament can become an advantage for managers when they have to edge
Contend with colleagues to climb higher positions. (Photo: Fox News)

In the second experiment, more than 60 people watched short videos (two minutes in length) about the problem solving process in the first experiment. 60 people wear eye tracking devices. The team found that volunteers observed people who seemed more hot-tempered or knowledgeable than others.

When the team asked volunteers to handle a situation in which they had to choose one of the leaders. A candidate with good, knowledgeable but gentle ability, while the other candidate is easily hot and has lower capacity. Every volunteer appreciated the candidate with good and gentle ability, but most of them chose easy candidates because they thought it was the type of person who could control others - an important factor. important in management activities.

"The new discovery helps us understand why so many hot-tempered people like tycoon Donald Trump become top leaders in business and politics," the research team commented.

Joey Cheng, the leader of the research team, said that in the primitive age, hot-tempered people often won when competing for food, shelter and other resources. Therefore, the mentality of admiring hot-tempered people still exists in the minds of modern people.