A time when people most vulnerable to fat?

A survey by dietary support provider Forza discovered that 7 pm on Sunday is the time when we are most likely to get fat in the week because we are ready to eat "insatiable" to satisfy our craving .

Many of us are always looking for biscuits, chocolates or snacks when we get bored. That can help explain why Sunday night with discouragement before the new work week is "fat hour" - the term we most likely will eat and drink, a common cause leads to weight gain and obesity.

According to the Forza survey, nearly half of the respondents (48%) said there was a tendency to nibble on unhealthy snacks like potato chips and pastries between 7pm and 10pm. Japanese An additional 29% of the survey participants said they were most likely to "deviate" the diet plan from around 3:00 to 5:00 pm this weekend.

Picture 1 of A time when people most vulnerable to fat?
Boredom is the cause of much
overeating. (Artwork: Daily Mail)

Meanwhile, Monday is the most likely day of the week that people tend to eat foods high in fat and sweet. Most of this insatiable eating takes place during or after dinner. On average, on the first day of the week, we eat 2 more snacks after a main meal.

Diet experts say a key factor for overeating is related to mood swings. According to the survey, 65% of people say they usually eat all the biscuits if there is a bad day at work.

Ignoring breakfast also makes us find unhealthy foods. More than one third of people who don't eat breakfast (36%) admit they eat more in the evening. Therefore, advice for dieters is always to eat breakfast.

Another reason for insatiable eating is having lunch right at your desk. Nearly half of the survey participants (46%) ate lunch at their desks and half said it encouraged them to eat more later.

"Fat is a nightmare for dieters. It is a time when you are particularly vulnerable and the only thing that can stop you ," said Lee Smith, the Forza survey investigator . Your appetite is the food lock, which is useful if people know the exact time of "dangerous points" so they can eat more appropriately in those days. "