Yawn and sympathy

Yawn is particularly contagious, especially among close friends or between family members.

The next time you yawn, try looking around to see if 'yawn virus' is spreading to anyone? Research results of the University of Pisa (Italy) show that relatives and close friends are the most vulnerable people to 'yawn virus' . They only took less than a minute to respond to the yawn of their loved ones, while it took more than two minutes for one or two strangers to yawn. Since then, new experts have partly discovered the purpose and mechanism behind this seemingly innocuous yawn.

Picture 1 of Yawn and sympathy

Experts Ivan Norscia and Italian Elisabetta Palagi evaluated yawning for sympathy and understanding of close relatives of yawn.The mechanism of this action is the same as when we catch a smile from an acquaintance, or a frown and frown on their faces. While yawning seems to have nothing to do with any emotional expression, in some ways, people form an emotional connection by mimicking yawning or other expressions, According to expert Campbell. With a yawning chain, one can better understand the feeling of fatigue or boredom in their loved ones, according to experts' reasoning.

In fact, previous studies have also shown a chain reaction of yawning to relatives. A study has found that children with autism do not have yawning, because the disease causes people to have problems in social interaction and communication. Not only people, dogs can yawn on their owners. Therefore, when next time someone catches yawn from their friend or relative, understand that they cannot control sympathy.