Yawn cooling the brain

Someone looks impolite when they open their mouths to yawn, but that's when the body is looking for ways to help you stay awake.

Psychologists have studied 44 students and found yawning to bring cool air to the brain and help it stay awake. So yawning is to delay sleepiness, not promote it. The craving for yawning when you see others yawning is also a mechanism for a group of people to be alert to the danger.

Picture 1 of Yawn cooling the brain People have long believed that yawning is due to oxygen, but researchers at Albany University in New York, USA, said their experiments showed an increase or decrease in oxygen and carbon dioxide. there is no reaction in the blood. Instead, inhaling the air helps cool the brain and thus works more efficiently.

In the study of 44 people, the group found that those who breathed with their nose instead of their mouths were less yawn when watching a video of people yawning. That's because blood vessels in the nasal cavity send cold blood to the brain.

The same effect occurs in people with cold towels on their foreheads, while those with warm towels are more yawn when watching videos.

"Yawning occurs when the brain temperature rises, sending cold blood to the brain to help maintain optimal neurological performance. So the next time you're telling a story and the other person yawns, don't be offended. Yawning - a physiological mechanism that helps maintain attention and is therefore a good expression, " the researchers wrote.