Let's yawn!

Why do we yawn? Why is yawning spread when someone starts? And why the yawning spread is not limited to the same species. Scientists try to give some explanation.

Anyone who doesn't know yawning is a contagious phenomenon.One yawned, many immediately yawned.Even seeing you yawn at your dog yawned to respond.

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Your pet dog expresses sympathy for you.

A recent experiment confirmed between dogs and people who always sympathize in . yawning.Of the 29 experimental dogs, 21 dogs yawned when they saw people yawning.But in another series of experiments, people just made a mouth-watering gesture without the gestures and sounds that no dog yawned.They are not 'touched' by artificial yawn.This study is published in the journal Biology letters.

Goldman - one of the authors of the article points out that yawning occurs in dogs, cats, monkeys and birds.But why do we yawn?What purpose does it have?

A biologist, Andrew Gallup, has done a number of studies that hypothesize that yawning cooling the brain.According to him, the working brain is more effective when the temperature is lower so if yawning makes the brain cool, we can think more clearly.In another study, scientists found that putting a cold towel or a warm towel on the forehead of a warm towel made people yawn more often.A second study, people track parrots (budgerigas) in a changing environment.The warmer the temperature, the more often they yawn.But if the temperature is too hot, their yawning frequency will decrease, maybe even if yawning doesn't work at all.

That explanation was also aborted: parrots (like other animals) yawned to reduce body heat, not just to cool the brain.People have a lot of sweat glands that distribute the whole body (which the animals do not have) to achieve the purpose of cooling the body and the study has not explained why yawning spreads?

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Yawning in chimpanzees is also spread like in humans.

Spanish biologists Anibal Monasterio Astobiza, Jennifer Yoon and Claudio Tennie explain the spread of yawning as follows: Yawning is the act of expressing empathy, a mimic imitation and something that animals have. can learn.It expresses sympathy not only among individuals of the same species but also of other animals.

The learners have confirmed that sympathy is a common affection that many animals have.This emotion is expressed by yawning as a sharing between individuals of the same species, even different species.