How did China 'rescue' people from air pollution?

In 2015, not less than twice the capital of Beijing, China was placed in red air pollution. So how did the Chinese deal with this situation?

At the end of 2015, the highest level of air pollution alarming in the capital of Beijing has never happened. The first red alert issued for the first time on December 7 repeated the second time on December 19, 2015.

Beijing sunk in a dense haze, people could not see skyscrapers, even standing 10 meters apart was hard to see. All activities and health of the people of the capital are severely affected.

That serious pollution has not only happened in Beijing, but has spread rapidly to other cities in the world's most populous country.

Picture 1 of How did China 'rescue' people from air pollution?
Air pollution has seriously affected all activities and health of the people of the capital.

A layer of smoke is up to 660 thousand square kilometers, which is 40 times larger than the city of Beijing that has covered most of northern China.

Immediately, the government has taken practical actions to limit the impact on people's lives.

Limit means and restrictions to the road

First, during the effective red alert period, the Beijing city government restricted the number of cars circulating on the road , setting alternate regulations to circulate vehicles with even and number plates. retail (except for priority vehicles such as buses, ambulances .).

Private taxi is not classified for circulation. The system of public transport is also strengthened, people are encouraged to move to the subway to minimize the amount of dust and smoke released into the environment.

At the same time, schools and kindergartens ordered to close for two days (December 21-22, 2015) have the highest levels of pollution.

Teachers and students will both search and study via the Internet. Elderly and young children are recommended to stay indoors, close the windows and have to limit the way to the road.

Picture 2 of How did China 'rescue' people from air pollution?
Beijing has restricted half of cars traveling on the road.

The main polluting industries were cut production , and forced to carry out a continuous cleanup campaign in the downtown areas.

Agencies and businesses apply flexible working hours, suspending all outdoor activities. Even construction sites have to be postponed.

However, these measures are only temporary and have many limitations. So the Chinese government has taken into account longer-term solutions.

Resolve from policy

Recent studies show that China is focusing too much on economic development policies, ignoring environmental protection.

The most obvious evidence is that industrial parks have sprung up like mushrooms, the number of private cars is getting more and more, and the amount of emissions from coal-fired thermal power plants is much greater in the winter. times.

This heavy pollution is the inevitable consequence of China's "hot" development policy that has been in place for decades, especially the rampant development of coal-fired power, the main source of gas emissions. toxic CO 2 .

Picture 3 of How did China 'rescue' people from air pollution?
Air pollution has spread rapidly to other cities in this country.

China is by far the most polluting nation in the world and the government must take measures to change energy by using renewable energy such as wind and solar power. . and nuclear power.

A series of nuclear power plants built across the country, China is determined to strongly deploy this powerful nuclear power industry.

With the new direction, Chinese leaders are confident and hope to soon get rid of the list of the most polluted countries in the world.