How does life change when technology develops?

Technology development makes life more comfortable, but also makes people dependent on it.

Picture 1 of How does life change when technology develops?
More than 20 years ago, communication was primarily through landline phones and people could only hear each other's voices.But now, smartphones have helped connect not only voice but also video images.

Picture 2 of How does life change when technology develops?
For children, previously the joy came from games together in real life.But now, it has been replaced by video games or smartphones.

Picture 3 of How does life change when technology develops?
Meeting each other in the past had to go to the rendezvous, but now only through social networks.Conversations and conversations are also done through electronic devices.

Picture 4 of How does life change when technology develops?
The experience of movies is no longer an old black and white, but has been upgraded to high resolution, even enjoy more realistic images thanks to 3D and 4D technology.

Picture 5 of How does life change when technology develops?
If withdrawing money, queuing at the bank's counter is the most common way.Now, ATM withdrawals are everywhere and just coming out of the house is coming.Even with the development of electronic payment methods, users do not need cash.

Picture 6 of How does life change when technology develops?
Before going to bed, if the couples used to talk, sharing a long, hard day with each other, now each person holds a phone.

Picture 7 of How does life change when technology develops?
The thinness of the computer screen is inversely proportional to the weight of each person.As technology grows, personal computers become thin and light, but it also makes people sit more, lazy and more physically active.

Picture 8 of How does life change when technology develops?
Teaching also becomes easier, more intuitive and more vivid thanks to technology.However, teachers are more careful and affable when working because their images can appear on mass media at any time.

Picture 9 of How does life change when technology develops?
Previously, the pile of documents has been replaced by compact laptops.Employees can work remotely through computers and the Internet instead of being forced to go to work.