How does the spider say 'not' to sex?

When a male spider does 'it' , it will cut off its genitalia to 'seal' the partner, preventing other males from conquering the female spider.

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Picture 1 of How does the spider say 'not' to sex?
The Nephila Philipes Spider also has a self-sealing mechanism
room to avoid having to do it when you don't like it

Recently, however, scientists have discovered that sometimes female spiders also have a mechanism of 'sealing' themselves to discourage unwanted pursuers.

According to LiveScience, a group of researchers found that individuals of the Nephila Pilipes spiders often have a red 'button' covering their genitals. This sex prevention tool is very different from the male spider's sealing buttons.

To check out where these mysterious shields come from, scientists have set up numerous "friends" in the lab environment for Nephila Pilipes spiders. This is a species of spider that is considered to have very high sexual demands, many small males regularly compete for a chance to do that with large, rare spiders in the herd.

They noticed during intercourse that no barrier was created. Instead, female spiders are picked up by too many male spiders in the experiment to create a barrier from a red liquid secreted during egg laying.

'It is difficult to explain why the female spider creates such a knot,' the researchers commented in PLos ONE Magazine. However, they speculate that although the female spider may like to be friends with many male spiders at the same time, she does not like to be the target of "sex" after laying eggs. 'Intercourse will make the spider spend a lot of energy without any significant benefit'.