The little things people know about spiders

Spider is always an obsession for most of us not only in real life but also in movies. But is it all scary?

Q: What is the food of the only vegetarian spider in the world?

A: There is one vegetarian spider that is Bagheera kiplingi.

The only "vegetarian" spider on Earth was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century. They live mainly on acacia trees and eat a kind of entity called Beltian in the tree, which contains many proteins.

Picture 1 of The little things people know about spiders
There is one vegetarian spider that is Bagheera kiplingi.

One study showed that male Bagheera kiplingi spiders often take care of eggs and baby spiders, something that has never happened in the spider world.

There are hundreds of different spider species, most of them have the ability to inject venom. However, among them, only about 200 species have venom harmful to humans.

In the world, there are many scientists and biologists who have studied this terrifying animal and the results from their studies will probably make us " even more hair-raising" .

Picture 2 of The little things people know about spiders
There are hundreds of different spider species, most of them have the ability to inject venom.

1. Spiders cannot fully digest solid food

Therefore, they often have to inject a liquid into their prey. After this liquid softens organs and tissues, spiders can suck nutrients from the prey they hunt.

2. The spider's blood is green

Picture 3 of The little things people know about spiders
Spiders without blood, awake in the spider body are a substance called "Hemolymph".

The strange thing is that spiders don't really have blood, it's a substance called "Hemolymph". Unlike our blood, "Hemolymph" does not contain iron elements but contains copper elements. For that reason, when their blood comes into contact with oxygen, it turns dark green.

3. Spiders can regulate their own blood pressure

To move, spiders must not only use muscles but also combine their muscles and blood pressure. It is the sudden increase in hemolymph pressure in the legs that makes them move or even jump.

Picture 4 of The little things people know about spiders
Spiders can regulate blood pressure, can you believe it?

4. The spider has no backbone

Instead, they have an "external skeleton" that covers organs and blood. In fact, not only spiders but all insects have an outer skeleton.

It is this skeleton that hinders their development, leading to the "molting" process of insects. They are very vulnerable until the outer bones become stronger.

5. Spiders will feed themselves on old spider webs if not destroyed

Picture 5 of The little things people know about spiders
Spiders also know "recycling" in a very specific way.

When their webs are no longer sticky or become too dirty, spiders will digest those networks themselves and will use the same nutrients from the old network to create new networks.

Can you see it? Spiders also know how to "recycle" in their own unique and strange way!

6. A spider species can live completely under water

Yes, the scorpion spider (with the scientific name Argyroneta aquatica ) has the ability to breathe underwater and only needs to float to the surface once a day to get oxygen.

Each spider carries scuba diving jars on the underwater plants and stores the air they bring down from the surface to put on a dive, or bubble, by storing in the abdomen.

Picture 6 of The little things people know about spiders
This spider has the ability to breathe underwater and only needs to float to the surface once a day to get oxygen.

Scientists have discovered something very special in bubbles. They found that the bubble could absorb oxygen in stagnant water, even on a hot day.

7. "An Antarctic without a spider"

Scientists have been unable to find any signs of life in the Antarctic spider. Simply because spiders cannot survive in extremely harsh environments like Antarctica.