Science has proven: Spider is a friend, not an enemy!

This may sound unbelievable, but don't kill the spider you see in your house. Why? Because spiders are an important component of nature and ecosystem in your own home.

Almost everyone likes a private place, separate from the outside. But we do not know, this is also the hobby of spiders. Some species accidentally enter your home, some stay and nest and live there. These spiders often live in seclusion, almost unharmed and extremely gentle. They even help you kill pests, even they eat other spiders.

Picture 1 of Science has proven: Spider is a friend, not an enemy!
Spiders help us kill pests, even they eat other spiders.

Scientists conducted a visual survey at 50 homes in North Carolina to investigate this seemingly hideous creature. The results show that all houses have their presence. The most common species are the Theridiidae spiders and the Pholcidae spiders .

Picture 2 of Science has proven: Spider is a friend, not an enemy!
Spider belongs to the family Theridiidae.

Picture 3 of Science has proven: Spider is a friend, not an enemy!
Spider belongs to family Pholcidae.

Both species of spiders spread silk in the area where they live. Spiders Pholcidae sometimes leave their webs to hunt and eat other spiders around. They can eat their own brothers.

Although they are dangerous predators, they can eat whatever they catch, but spiders often catch harmful insects and insects that carry germs like mosquitoes. So when you kill a spider, you have to destroy a 'soldier' to destroy the pathogen in your home.

The fear of spiders is completely normal. Not only are they disgusting with 8 hairs, they also have venom. But luckily, some spiders are poisonous enough to affect human health. Moreover, their fangs are not hard enough to bite through our skin.

Picture 4 of Science has proven: Spider is a friend, not an enemy!
Fortunately, few spiders are poisonous enough to affect human health.

Moreover, spiders are afraid of humans and always try to avoid us. We are much more dangerous to them than they are to us. Cases of spider bites are extremely rare.

Although there are some species with strong toxicity such as Black Widow , they rarely bite people and even so, these bites rarely cause serious disease disorders.

If you still can't accept their presence after reading the information above, instead of smashing them, try catching them in the box and dropping off the street. They will find new places and you will not have to see them again.

Having spiders in the house is perfectly normal. And even if you don't discover it, they will definitely appear somewhere in your house. So, get used to their presence in your house.