10 poisonous spiders are the most feared for humans

Spiders are the terror of many other animals, even humans, not only because of the appearance of many legs, many feathers but also their deadly venom. There are many poisonous spiders, below are the most unique, scary spiders in the world.

Spiders are a set of predatory, invertebrate, spider-shaped animals; The body has only two parts, eight legs, no jaw mouth, no wings - with Arachnid class with scorpions, ticks . There are many different types of spiders, some without poison and the rest are extremely poison.

Picture 1 of 10 poisonous spiders are the most feared for humans
Spiders of yellow bag when biting can cause blood infection and can resist most antibiotics.A bite of this species can cause us to become necrotic.Fortunately, this spider is rarely approached by humans to attack.

Picture 2 of 10 poisonous spiders are the most feared for humans
Large Tarantula black spider fringes live in Southern Europe and the rainforest, the scientific name is Lycosa tarantula.The victim of this spider will fall into a coma after being bitten.We know quite a bit about the poison that Tarantula spider carries.

Picture 3 of 10 poisonous spiders are the most feared for humans
Chinese bird spider is a large black spider, with stride that can reach 20cm long.Scientists have done a lot of research on this poisonous spider because they are quite aggressive and can take down a mammal with only a little bit of poison.

Picture 4 of 10 poisonous spiders are the most feared for humans
Mouse spiders live mainly in Australia.This spider usually bites people but does not release venom.It can kill people without timely treatments.

Picture 5 of 10 poisonous spiders are the most feared for humans
The reclusive brown spider and its brothers, brown spiders are very poisonous species.They often hide themselves so their number of victims is not much.This spider species when it causes necrosis and necrosis diameter can reach 25cm.The venom of this species can cause the kidneys to stop working, leading to death.

Picture 6 of 10 poisonous spiders are the most feared for humans
Red spider spider, this poisonous spider lives mainly in Australia.Before the antidote was found, the spider killed 14 people.

Picture 7 of 10 poisonous spiders are the most feared for humans
"Black widow" spider is not only poisonous, but also has the habit of eating meat.The venom of the black widow spider is 15 times stronger than the venom of the bell-tailed snake.Its bite causes muscle spasms, even paralysis.However, before the antidote was found, 5% of its victims died.

Picture 8 of 10 poisonous spiders are the most feared for humans
Sydney funnel spider web is one of the most poisonous spiders in the world, whose scientific name is Atrax Robustus.They have very large fangs and when bitten, they come with venom.Its venom can kill almost all primates, including humans.

Picture 9 of 10 poisonous spiders are the most feared for humans
The 6-eyed sand spider is also a hidden species, has little contact with humans and is also quite a "pure" species.The venom of this species causes necrosis and localized coagulation leads to death.

Picture 10 of 10 poisonous spiders are the most feared for humans
The wandering Brazilian Spider is honored in the Guinness Record as the world's most exclusive spider.This spider is very aggressive, will bite whenever possible.Its venom contains toxins, acts on nerves, causes respiratory problems, suffocation and eventually death.The poison of this species can make men helpless.